7 News Interview: Focus on getting youth back into hospitality
7 News Interview: Focus on getting youth back into hospitality
December 13 2022
Our hospitality industry contributes $71.3 billion to the Australian economy and serves in excess of 75+ million meals per day, Summer is the perfect time for first-time job seekers to cash in and earn up to $4,700 (before tax) over a six-week period.
Stop Food Waste Australia welcomes AFAB
Stop Food Waste Australia welcomes AFAB
Stop Food Waste Australia welcomes AFAB
November 2022
“Stop Food Waste Australia welcomes the Australian Foodservice Advocacy Body as a supporting signatory to the Australian Food Pact and thanks them for committing time and resources to support the bold and important goal of halving Australia’s food waste by 2030,” says Mark Barthel, SFWA Chief Operating Officer.
November 17 2022
Rally your crew and join AFAB as we raise vital funds in support of Movember. We have an action-packed couple of hours planned on November 17, at the Food Equity HQ in Marrickville.
Melbourne - Celebrating Women in Foodservice live event
Melbourne - Celebrating Women in Foodservice live event
August 2022
Welcoming AFAB members and guests to the Women in Foodservice breakfast to uncover the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
AFAB celebrates ONE YEAR!
AFAB celebrates ONE YEAR!
July 2022
AFAB has turned 1, and what a year it has been! This highlight reel is a snapshot of the past year and where our focus is for 22/23. We launched AFAB with a goal - "To raise the agenda and unlock the potential of Australia's Foodservice sector." We are proud of our achievements to date and recognise we still have much to do. We are grateful for the support of our founding, company & individual members.